Animation Production Schedule


  1. Impossible to read your production schedule, please revise add dates to tasks.

  2. Add start dates to tasks in each scene on your Scene Progress chart instead of a solid blue lines.
    If you go the solid blue line direction, you will end up with a nice row of blue lines after ready Scene # which doesn't give you any information.

    By put a date when you started say, rough animation for Scene 12 and when did you finish rough animation on Scene 12, then date when you started the next task and when you ended that one, etc, etc... You will then learn how much time you spent on each scene in your film and give you more information about what scenes were easy and what scenes took more time to do.

  3. One month later, lots of new scenes are being worked on. Thanks for fixing the Production schedule and using your Scene Progress chart and adding those dates! It seems to be helping you
    stay on schedule. Make sure you have a Rough Cut of the entire animation in Week 13 class. Also see if you can upload some of your work in progress to this blog. Keep going strong!!!

  4. Hey Henry, Your production schedule has lots of color bars for the stages of productions, but no dates.


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